Real-time alerts for suspicious system activity
Get to know a problem is happening when it’s happening.
Upcoming Webinar Series: The Modern Way to Modernize IBM i: As a Service. On Your Terms. Secure Your Spot Now.
Detect monitors multiple sources of security event data on IBM i and allows you to control how you want to be alerted to that data. QHST, Message Queues (including QSYSOPR), QAUDJRN, and Sensitive Command Monitoring are all covered.
Get to know a problem is happening when it’s happening.
Funnels critical security events to the top.
No need to review endless records of event data integrated with the Security Suite.
Highly flexible customization offers the ability to filter alerts based on what is important to you.
High volumes of system events make it difficult to differentiate critical security events from acceptable usage. With Detect’s highly flexible customization, you filter alerts based on what is important to you. See failed sign-on attempts for specific powerful users and real-time journal events. Implement Security Suite message alerts for events like attempted remote connections, questionable user profile changes, and production library authority issues.
Let Detect do the work for you. See the events that are important to you right in your inbox, as they are happening.