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Products > Modernization > Newlook

Improve Application Usability

Newlook Suite is an integrated set of products that are designed to work together to simplify the process of modernizing IBM i (AS/400) applications.

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Newlook Suite

Newlook Suite is an integrated set of products that are designed to work together to simplify the process of modernizing IBM i applications. Developers can mix and match products in the suite to meet their individual requirements. All products in the suite are designed around the underlying dynamic recognition engine, which means they are built to work together seamlessly.

Provide a Modern User Experience

Meet the expectations of your customers and business users. Newlook Suite automatically generates and delivers modern Web applications, applying all current standards, with the performance that Web users have come to expect.

Generate Web apps from existing sources

Newlook’s rule-based recognition engine works automatically, so screen-by-screen editing is largely a thing of the past. The engine is smart, global, and dynamic, which allows you to create UIs dynamically.

All your development needs in one suite

The fully integrated suite handles all of your development needs. Newlook Suite provides all of the IBM i development tools you need to modernize IBM i applications. It handles re-facing, integration, APIs and web services, mobile & cloud enablement, and more.

Newlook Key Features

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