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Modern-i: Navigate the AI Landscape as an IBM i Shop in 2025

AI continues to have an influence on us in 2025, and beyond. Implementing AI in a tangible way will require IBM i leaders to navigate diverse problems, capabilities, opinions, and experiments. It will pave the way for evolving our strategies, and possibly even developing an entirely new set of approaches.

Think of it in terms of making pizza: We have many recipes that make good pizza, we know what toppings work together, we know how much seasoning we need. When a revolutionary new ingredient is introduced, we need to reevaluate every recipe going forward – is this an ingredient that would make these recipes better?

Is there a new recipe we can create now with this new ingredient on the table? AI is a new ingredient that we need to carefully consider. It is still early days, so predicting what those recipes are will be a bit of fortune telling, but Large Language Models (LLMs) have introduced a capability that we need to consider in our future “pizzas.”

Impact of AI on IBM i Projects

The impact of AI on IBM i projects will vary considerably depending on the nature of the project, but some impacts will be broadly applicable. The first (seemingly obvious) thing to note is that a failure to try LLMs guarantees a failure to unlock any benefits. There is surprising skepticism from technical staff with respect to the value proposition. This is motivated by…. read more on IT Jungle.